We haven’t given any new information out for the last few months, and I guess I should probably tell you all the reason why. This game is being developed for the Xbox 360 using the XNA framework. The fact is that Microsoft’s support for the XNA framework is being dropped next year. This means that […]

So I haven’t posted in quite a while. Why? Because I’ve been at university, and I’ve been a LOT busier than last year. I’ve only found really small snippets of time to work on this. Now however, the first term is over, and while I still have a lot of work to do, I may […]

I know I’m not doing a very good job of updating this, but progress is being made, I assure you. I’m about to head back to university, so things are getting a little hectic. I’ll show you a little teaser of the work I’ve been doing. Have some more special attacks! These are for the […]

Okay, so I haven’t updated as frequently as I used to, so I’ll give you something fairly big this time. First things first, have a new character poster!   This, as you can see, is another of our female characters. You may notice that her ship doesn’t have a windscreen. This is because she connects […]

Work on Decima has been slow recently. I’ve had a lot of other things to do, and at the moment there’s a portion of very tedious work to do before I can get onto designing levels and getting some actual gameplay in there. However, it is happening, slowly but surely… What has happened is that […]

Again I must apologise for being slow to update. At the moment, all the work I’ve been doing on the project has been little things that are barely worth mentioning, so I haven’t. I’ve saved this up for a larger update with a couple of screenshots to demonstrate some of the more fun things I’ve […]

Okay. First, I apologise for not posting anything in a week. One of the developers was away on holiday last week, with no way to contact him, so progress was considerably slowed on those fronts that require discussion. On the other hand, some matters have already been through the discussion phase and are just ready […]

Basically, this is a post apologising for not having updated much over the past few weeks. I was planning to get back into this after my exam season was over, but I’ve found myself inclined to take a break and relax for a bit. I’ve worked on this sparingly, and haven’t made much progress. I […]

Hello everyone! I’ll start here by apologising for the lack of progress during the past few weeks. I’ve had university exams to contend with, and they’ve taken up practically all of my time. However,  I just finished the last one, so I’m back in business! I may spend a little while relaxing, but I’ll be […]

I was doing some thinking a few days ago, and this tune popped into my head, and so I adapted it into the theme tune for Decima, since it fitted perfectly what I wanted. I’ve uploaded it to Youtube, so you can all see it, too. Enjoy!